Sunday, March 21, 2010


Again i been challenge by my family. Lately i always go out, for movie and majority for church. I really didn't help much in my family (Such as taking care of my sis kid). Then my mother will raise this question, always go to church, no need to care about family la? Last time, i always have this thinking, im not busy but my parent busy will involve me. Sometimes i think that if im gone then nobody will do the things anymore? All the while i been trained to be home base but seems like everything change since i serve in church. Sometimes i think that i better to settle this by giving up my service at church then i just back to my old life.

Well my christian brother's and sister's might think that im stubborn that the most important things is our soul but im not sure do they really know how it feels like? Like our hand, both side also fresh, one side get hurt, the hand will feel the pain. I do envy that those who have freedom to do what they want to do, not to consider about bad things, consider the things that not harm people and to help one another such as what we did at church.

All the time, i facing this challenge and i try to perservere but, i don't know how long i stand on this challenge. Maybe few more times, i will totally end my christian life. All the things i did is useless. I hope that no matter where i may be, either back to my old life or continue my christian life, my decision will be a correct decision.